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Home News Three Reasons Why Baby Babbling is Important

Three Reasons Why Baby Babbling is Important

Did you ever wonder to yourself, “Why is it that babies are able to learn so much just from talking and mimicking sounds?” Baby babbling helps with three main things – language skills, imagination, and socio-emotional development. All three things are intertwined when it comes to babies. In this article I’m going to be elaborating on the importance of baby babbling over these three points.

Language Skills

How does language benefit from babbling?

Well, in a very basic sense it does help your baby form language. When babies babble they are developing their language skills. They are getting better at recognizing sounds and trying to identify the meaning behind them. They are learning the fundamentals of how language works.


Imagination is another important aspect when it comes to language skills. Babies have a habit of looking at things, thinking about what they see, and associating it with different words and meanings. Babbling is a great way to get them to start thinking in this manner. This can help them form their first words and can help them with their language skills even further.

Socio-emotional Development

When it comes to the socio-emotional development of your baby, there is simply no comparison between babies that babbled as infants and those that did not. In addition to being able to hear more, they were exposed to a lot of soothing sounds as well. These sounds were essential in forming their speech and so, it is highly likely that they retained these associations as well. Babies who do not speak develop this part of their brain over time, and so, it is very important that they start doing so from an early age.

There are other interesting benefits from baby babbling, which we will talk about another time. For now, you should be interested to know that babbling comes in a variety of different pitches and rhythms. This makes it easier for parents to teach their children the sounds of babbling and to attach them to different words and concepts. Some experts suggest that this may be one of the keys to child development.

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