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Home News The Reasons Why Bed Sharing With Your Baby Is A Bad Idea

The Reasons Why Bed Sharing With Your Baby Is A Bad Idea

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

There are many reasons why bed sharing with your baby is a bad idea. Some of these reasons are pretty obvious and the others maybe not so obvious but the result of this is the same, your child is left with a very frightened mind as a result of you sharing him or her bed. This will have a long term effect on their health. It will make them afraid of going to sleep alone in the same room as their parents. Also they could experience sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as their fragile body cannot take the pressure of the extra weight of their sleeping parent’s body.

You are disturbing your baby’s sleep

Another problem your child has as a result of you sharing your bed is the fact that he or she cannot concentrate on any one task for a long time because of the sounds of your breathing and heartbeat. They may find it difficult to sleep at night and could develop sleeping disorders. This can affect the growth and development of your child. He or she will also be unable to feed properly from then on and will have a low weight gain as a result. All these things will need to be discussed with a doctor before you start bed sharing your baby.

Gems is spreading, without you realizing

Another reason why bed sharing with your baby is a bad idea is because you are exposing your baby to germs. Sharing a bed with your baby means you are going to be sharing their bedding with them. There is no getting around the fact that your baby is going to be more susceptible to illnesses if they are sharing a bed with their siblings. A child only has to touch one another’s bedding to get exposed to illness. Not only could your baby catch something, they could unknowingly pass it on to you as well.

Time is Key!

Another thing to consider is the amount of time you will be spending sharing a bed with your baby. It is recommended that you limit this time to ten to fifteen minutes at the most. If you are sharing a room with another person then you should limit this time to three to five minutes. The more time you spend sharing a bed with your baby, the more time they will be spending awake in bed with you.

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